Christian Living

Creating A Safe Space for Others

Creating A Safe Space for Others

On the podcast this week, my friend Robin Blumenthal tells a story of being on a boat with friends when she was asked to drop the anchor. So, she did. Not being an experienced boater, she let the anchor down into the water without first checking to see if it was tied...

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Trapped By Your Past?

Trapped By Your Past?

For most of my adult life, I have felt that my story was my enemy. My story was heavy, like chains that shackled me to shame, denial, and fear. If I could just hide from it or outrun it, then I could live the life that I longed to live. So I kept striving, running...

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Pausing For Peace

Pausing For Peace

I have a confession to make. For many, many years I was addicted to being busy in life so that I would not have to face the fear I had around my past, my present, and my future. I was afraid someone might find out who I had been in the past or what I was struggling...

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Finding Comfort During Fear

Finding Comfort During Fear

When I was a little girl I was afraid of what was under my bed. I would fall asleep on my back, afraid that something would get me. I would get so worked up in my mind that I became convinced I would be a goner if I put my feet on the floor. This probably had...

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When We Don’t Understand His Plan

When We Don’t Understand His Plan

Imagine with me for a moment that what you have been waiting for, for a very long time, has finally come.  You are living the dream!  But then the next day you are asked to give the dream up or to give away what you have received?  What would you...

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Even in the Waiting

Even in the Waiting

Have you ever had to wait for something for a very long time?  Are you still waiting even now?  Waiting is so hard, isn’t it?  Every period of waiting carries its own weight.  It might feel like a ton of bricks and manifest as hopelessness that anything will ever come...

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The Thrill Of Hope

The Thrill Of Hope

Tomorrow, people all over the world will celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus. It is one of the greatest miracles ever: when hope came to earth as a baby. The words of the familiar Christmas song, O Holy Night, have stood out to me recently as never before. Oh,...

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Take the Time to Linger

Take the Time to Linger

With Christmas less than a week away, what would it look like for you to take time to pause amongst the busyness? We are constantly distracted during the holidays. Our minds work overtime to keep shopping lists, sale prices, coupons, Aunt Julie’s favorite kind of...

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Life-Changing Power

Life-Changing Power

When I think back on moments in my life, I can see how God was with me in the midst of things, even when I didn't know it. Even when I didn't feel Him, He was there. Wherever you are right now, God is not only listening, He is also in the process of rescuing,...

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